The treatment of varicose veins folk remedies

the treatment of varicose veins green tomatoes

Effective treatment of varicose veins is nutmeg. Mash a few muscadine nuts in a coffee grinder, a teaspoon of other numbers powder pour a glass of boiling water. Then put 1 teaspoon of honey, mix well and leave for half an hour. You can also just drink a lot of water, without stirring the water.

It is the infusion of need to drink one hour before breakfast and another glass - after 2 hours, but it's not necessary. The duration of therapy should continue for years, but the visible results you will see within 30 days.

Nutmeg provides the analgesic effect, and also prevents congestion (improves blood flow). In addition, the walnut helps to restore the tissue of the epithelium (this helps to accelerate the healing of trophic ulcers, accompanying varicose illness).

Attention! Nutmeg is poisonous! The consumption of more than 50-100 grams of time, can be fatal! Recommended dose of 3-5 grams or 1 teaspoon (no slides!).

The treatment of varicose veins green tomatoes

The recipe is as follows. You just have to peg in patients veins tomato slices, better green. With the start of the hot time of year, veins in the feet usually begin to hurt more and swell even more. At this time, and you must apply before you go to bed tomatoes, tying them, and in the morning to shoot. It is recommended to make compresses for the whole year. Bumps will be felt smaller and softer, at the end of the year and will not pass.

What's the secret? There is the view that the secret of this recipe lies in lycopene - a strong antioxidant, which significantly reduces the risk of heart attack and stroke (up to 34% during daily use red tomatoes), which improve the elasticity of blood vessels and protect them from free radicals.

In addition, it protects low density lipoproteins (bad cholesterol) in the blood from oxidation. And the oxidation of cholesterol is a cause of appearance of the atherosclerotic plaque and the blockage of the arteries, i.e., the development of atherosclerosis. Lycopene increases the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels and protects against thrombosis, lowers blood pressure.

Use of lycopene for the health of the heart and blood vessels has been confirmed repeatedly, including the results of seven studies, published in 2003. The material of the research nearly 40 thousand women, it was found that increased intake of lycopene significantly reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease.

As record holder for the content of lycopene is tomato paste, it is recommended to apply exactly the form of compresses, is not only tomatoes. In addition, the daily consumption of tomatoes or better still, a bit of tomato posts in the food, will cure patients of blood vessels from the inside.

The treatment of varicose veins the seeds of the datura

the treatment of varicose veins the seeds of the datura

For the treatment of varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, coronary heart disease, stroke, heart attack, neuralgia, neurasthenia, pertussis, chorea, epilepsy, numbness of the limbs, used the tincture of datura seeds.

Attention! The seeds of the plant are very poisonous. Contain alkaloids, the main of which are atropine, scopolamine, hyoscyamine.

Preparation of tincture. Enter datura seeds in a normal range (about 80-100 grams), in a coffee grinder chop and pour 500 grams of vodka (40 degrees). Put it in a dark place for 2 weeks, without forgetting daily stir the tincture. Storage should also be in a cool dark place.

Treatment. Start worth treatment of varicose veins with reduced dosage, 15 drops in half a glass of water half an hour before the meal, 1 times per day. Every day increase the dose is 1-2 drops, until you reach 25 drops. This dosage should be consumed within a month.

! There are patients who do not tolerate novocaine group, the treatment should start with one drop. If you are experiencing the pain, just reduce the dose, panicking ahead of time is not worth it.

Compresses. In addition, you need to make compresses on the sore feet. Dosage take the same, as you can drink in the morning - the same drops in half a glass of water. In this water, soak the cotton, apply the patients veins, over polyethylene, and secure it with a bandage.

In order to avoid the overdose, since the site compresses in patients a different, you must listen to your body. As soon as you feel overdose, and felt a sense of intoxication, drink as much as possible milk and water, and the next day the treatment started with the reduced dose of 2-4 drops. With further processing dose not prolong.

The treatment of varicose veins exercises Mikulina

Quite effective for cleaning vessels, are exercises Mikulina. You have to focus on socks, pick up the heel in 1 centimeter away from the floor, and after sharply to land on the heel. Repeat the exercise 30-50 times. The exercise is not done quickly, in quiet mode. It is advisable to repeat this exercise 3-5 times a day. This should not make more than 60 pulsations.

How it works this exercise? Exercise Mikulina helps to unclog, to strengthen the blood vessels, giving blood push for promotion. During impact of the heel on the floor venous blood rushes to the heart.

Similar proposals exist in special medical literature. True, the reasoning there another: because in such exercises tense the muscles of the lower leg, the blood displaced from the above through the veins.

Tincture of horse chestnut from varicose veins

After three classes you will notice improvement. To prepare the tinctures, the colors of horse chestnut(50 grams) should pour 500 grams of alcohol, and then to give infusions 14 days, each day shaking the bottle. You will lose the tincture in a grid and to drink a tablespoon with water, three times a day before meals. After one week of treatment - take a break for two weeks. After the treatment can be restarted.

Fresh juices in the treatment of varicose veins

The treatment of varicose veins flower beds, vegetable juices gives good results with regular use. Juices are assimilated for ten minutes, which saturates the body with useful substances, minerals, vitamins and antioxidants, which strengthen the walls of blood vessels, promote hematopoiesis and prevent the formation of blood clots.

Popular juice mixture:

  • The juice of carrots and spinach leaves, taken in the ratio of 10-to-6. Carrot juice is rich in trace elements and bioflavonoids, the most known of which - flavonoids rutin - is included in many medications to combat fragile capillaries. Therefore, the daily consumption of carrot juice strengthens the walls of blood vessels and helps prevent varicose veins. The juice of the leaves of spinach are rich in oxalic acid, which not only cleans the blood vessels and prevents the formation of lime on the walls, but also normalizes the oxytocics function. So, the spinach juice with daily use prevents the development of hypertension, it permeates the blood-vitamins-antioxidants A and C, cleanses the blood vessels. Celery also helps in cleaning the blood vessels, stimulates the processes of lipolysis and removes from the body toxins and excess fluid. And the three components of the juice compounds have a comprehensive impact on the cardiovascular system and the body as a whole, and in combination show high efficacy in the treatment and prevention of varicose veins.

  • The mixture of juice three vegetables: carrots, spinach, and beets in the ratio 10:3:3. The juice complements the stock of trace elements in the body, stabilizes blood pressure and helps to eliminate excess fluid, relieve swelling. Beetroot stimulates hematopoiesis, improving the synthesis of red blood cells, increases the levels of hemoglobin and the prevention of anemic conditions.

  • The juice of carrots, stalks of celery, spinach leaves and parsley, taken in the ratio 7:4:3:2. Parsley contributes to the strengthening of vascular walls, leaving fragile capillaries, and protects the blood vessels from the thinning and damage, the celery has a detoxicating agent properties, removes from the body toxins and excess fluid. This juice blend not only enhances the blood vessels, and helps in the cleaning of calcium deposits, prevents the development of atherosclerosis.

  • The juice of the leaves of spinach, root, and turnip greens, and watercress salad in a ratio of 4:2:2. Turnips and their leaves contain minerals-electrolytes - calcium, magnesium and potassium. The use of this juice helps to align the balance of electrolytes, increases metabolism in tissues and the prevention of hypertension and cardiovascular disease. The leaves are cooling cardamom contain metals, sulfur, chlorine and phosphorus, which are rich in calcium in a biologically accessible form (18%), potassium (20%), magnesium (5%), sodium (6%) and iron (0,25%). Combined juices, turnips, spinach, and cooling cardamom liquefying blood, cleans it of toxins, inhibit platelet aggregation and dissolved already the clot is formed. Regular consumption of juice mixture enhances the metabolism of the tissues and the saturation with oxygen, cleanse the body and the prevention of cardiovascular disease.

Juices get in the amount of 500-600 ml daily, prepared immediately before use, because it save the fresh juice, can be no more than half an hour, or most useful ingredients break down in contact with the air. The exception is the juices that are received in screw juicer - can last for several hours.

The treatment of varicose veins absorber of garlic and lemon

the treatment of varicose veins absorber garlic and lemon

Plaques are formed by the age in the walls of the blood vessels, affect blood flow and cause serious diseases. Their appearance contributes to the increased cholesterol due to poor diet and lifestyle. For the prevention of the obstruction of the blood vessels becomes periodic clearance.

Volatile garlic contribute to the dissolution of cholesterol plaques, excessive deposition of salts and the restoration of blood vessels. Apart from garlic has anti-microbial and anti-viral properties.

Preparation of the infusion for the cleaning of vessels:

  • Grind with the help of meat grinder 4 raw lemon and 4 heads of garlic.

  • The resulting mass shift in a glass jar and pour 3 liters of warm boiled water.

  • Persistence mixture of garlic and lemon is going on at room temperature for 3 days. The content, the banks many times a day should be the mix.

  • After the allotted time, the content of the capacity filter, infusion stored in the refrigerator.

Frequency of the host media - 3 times a day to 100 ml, preferably during the meal or immediately after it. For the full course of treatment is required to cook 4 banks of garlic-lemon this - cook them with a frequency of once in 10 days. When side effects, the initial dose is reduced to 1-2 tablespoons 2-3 times a day.

Action infusion:

  • The utensils are cleaned by cholesterol plaques?

  • Normalizes the blood pressure?

  • Disappear headaches?

  • Increases the energy potential.

A similar course of treatment is 1-2 times a year, prior to the start of treatment it is advisable to consult your doctor and to control the available level of cholesterol.

If you actually garlic cleans the blood vessels?

According to experts, a chemical substance allicin, in abundance evident in the mechanical impact on the cells of the garlic, when it hit him in the circulatory system effectively destroys cholesterol platelet. During the treatment extracts from garlic have to take into account the important fact - with the regular use of such instruments body gets used in action allicin and cholesterol level ceases to be reduced.

To avoid this, you need preventive cleaning of vessels conducts classes for 1.5-3 months with the corresponding time interval in between. Because the active ingredients of garlic are acting annoying on the mucous membrane of the stomach and of the intestine, the consequence of this is stimulation of motor skills of these institutions and the increase of gastric juice.

Contraindications to the use of garlic:

  • Cholecystitis,

  • Pancreatitis,

  • Gastritis with high acidity,

  • Ulcers disease stomach and bowel,

  • Jelchnokamennaya disease.

The importance of water consumption in varicose veins

what kind of water to drink in varicose veins

As is well known from the time that we went to school, the blood consists of blood cells (leukocytes, platelets, and red blood cells) and the liquid fraction. Blood plasma is water with dissolved in it substances - salts, carbohydrates, proteins etc. insufficient fluid intake, reduced the volume of liquid part of the blood, which leads to this. that becomes more dense. This situation is dangerous the fact that it increases the risk of blood clots, blood clots.

To prevent thickening of the blood and reduce the risk of varicose veins it is recommended to drink two liters of water a day. You can calculate your daily need in your liquids separately, depending on the weight of the body. For every pound of weight you need to drink up to 40 ml of water daily, that is, for a person who weighs 70 kg optimum amount of the liquid is 2.8 l.

However, if you are used to drink daily a lot less water, will increase dramatically the quantity should not, you will need to give your body to adapt. Increase the amount of water gradually, every three days by adding 100 ml to your normal number. In a few weeks will be adjusting to a new way and to feel the first results.